As you may have already noticed, there are two very distinct logos at the bottom of our website. These logos indicate the certifications we are reaching for. Though we are not certified yet, all development, implementation, and maintenance of R2 and ISO 14001 standards are in effect throughout our operation. The final stage in our certification process is the Stage 2 Audit, which is scheduled for early August.
First, the ISO 14001 standard deals with the development, implementation, and maintenance of an Environmental Management System (EMS). This EMS allows the company to strive for the continual improvement of its operation and its footprint on the environment. This is primarily done through the establishment of objectives, targets, and their subsequent environmental management programs.
The Responsible Recycling (R2) standard addresses not only the continual improvement of the company, but the larger picture of electronics recycling. Not only does it address the effects an operation has on the environment but it also focuses on worker safety and public health as large priorities. In addition, the R2 standard devotes companies’ efforts towards the due diligence when selecting their downstream vendors. In order to stop the illegal export of electronic waste, “focus materials” like circuit boards and batteries must be sent to licensed downstream vendors with appropriate paperwork. Therefore, R2 not only focuses on the operation but the larger life-cycle of e-waste.
Accurate IT Services is in full compliance with both certifications and will be certified shortly. This is in addition to our Environmental Protection Agency compliance and our reputation as a respected recycler of electronic goods.
Recycle with us at or