Bringing a new face to our web site has been forthcoming for some time now. The previous web site projected our company primarily as a computer retail business. This, however, is not the case. Accurate IT Services offers responsible electronics recycling, including complete asset management and data security, as well as network and IT services, like network design, support, and high-end electronic repair.
The new web site will feature our three distinct services interactively, allowing the customer to determine what service best suits their needs. The retail section will be devoted to our web site and EBay retail; the IT services section devoted to our assistance in your computer and network support; and our recycling section is dedicated to our complete asset management services, from pickup to processing and data destruction.
In addition, our new web site will highlight some recent additions to our internet presence. For instance, our news section will keep you up-to-date with our current activities, like recycling drives and special sales. As well, our recycling standards and environmental policy will be featured as an assurance to our customers that their materials are handled responsibly. Finally, you will be able to contact us through our web site as well as follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.
We hope that, with this new web site, customers will realize that Accurate IT Services offers complete IT management solutions, from recycling and retail to support and repairs.