As most of us in the recycling world know, CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) glass is very difficult to deal with and handling CRT equipment can be a dangerous job because of the amount of lead. CRT equipment is considered one of the hardest types of electronics to recycle. There aren’t a lot of options when it comes to reusing it and there is an over abundance of this type of equipment in the recycling industry. Recently, there have been some interesting developments for the reuse of CRT glass. One spanish based company is beginning a pilot project for using the glass in ceramic tiles. There is already a company in California that is currently making these tiles. They basically turn the CRT glass into a sand like material. This material can also be used in road striping, building materials, and even used as golf course sand. CRT glass can be used as charge material in certain metal production processes. While the reuse market is still very small, there have been great developments in recent years. With the continued dedication of the community we can divert all of CRT equipment from landfills everywhere and even make use of it with the recent advancements in technology.