“By Cindy Miller, Published May 26, 2013 – IT Asset Disposition Blog
When your company turns its retired IT equipment over to a vendor for asset remarketing, what happens to the equipment that vendor can’t sell as a working asset? It’s a more important question than you might think. As you know, the market for used IT assets is fickle and very dependent on trends. If too many of a certain piece of equipment flood the market—because an upgrade has become available, for example—it can be difficult to sell that piece of equipment for a profitable price. But if it doesn’t sell, something must be done with it. Your company, as the original owner of the equipment, may still be liable if it is disposed of improperly. Whether your company’s IT assets are collected by recycler or a remarketer, it’s crucial you understand their entire process through to the final disposition of your assets. The cost of environmental non-compliance is too high not to do your homework.